I’m dropping in today with a quick request to join this Challenge with me. I participated in this work last year and learned a tremendous amount about the rampant racism that exists in every aspect of our food system.
This Challenge, in its 8th year, is about inspiring ways to dismantle racism and build an equitable food future that works for everyone. It’s open to anyone who wants to learn more about the history of race and racism in our food system.
The habit building challenge runs for 21 days from today until April 24th. Each morning you’ll receive an email prompt with a short reading, video, or podcast to work through, learn from, and process. You’re reminded to check in with your own feelings throughout the Challenge, as this work does not come without some profound emotions.
For some people, it can help to do the Challenge as a group, and I’m happy to provide a space for that here. This post is an “Open Thread”. Please feel free to drop any thoughts, ideas, feelings, learnings, etc… as a comment. This is to be a safe space, so please be kind, respectful, and as Gwendolyn VanSant (a woman whom I was privileged to train with) says “impeccable with your word”.
Here is the link to learn more and to register for the Challenge. It truly will transform the way you think about food, race, and all that is attached to both.
Just registered. A little late, but looking forward to the challenge.
Finally circling back to my reflections on the challenge. I hope you got out of it what you hoped you would!